
Why Advertise in " PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE " Magazine?

  • “PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE” Magazine offer a lasting message:
    Ads keep working 24/7. They provide a lasting, durable message with time to study a brand’s benefits. and save magazine ads for future reference.
  • “PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE” Magazine deliver brand relevant imagery:
    Magazine editorial imbues ads with brand relevant imagery, associations and a frame of reference that delivers greater reader receptivity to brand ads.
  • “PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE” Magazine advertising drives web searches and visits:
    Magazines are where readers go for ideas and inspiration. That’s why magazine ads are leading influencers, driving readers to advertiser websites and to start a search.
  • “PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE” Magazine drive the purchase funnel: Magazine’s are effective across all stages of the purchase funnel, especially brand favorability and purchase consideration, the most sought after metrics that are hardest to sway.
  • “PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE” Magazine advertising enhances ROI: Allocating more ad to magazine in the media mix improves marketing and advertising ROI.
  • “PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE” Magazine Sell: Study after study prove that magazine help drive sales objectives, as a stand alone medium or in combination with others. Over half of readers act on exposure to magazine ads.
  • Magazine advertising engages:Multiple studies show that Readers are more likely to find magazine advertising acceptable and enjoyable compared to advertising in other media. In addition, they find magazine advertising less interruptive.
  • Magazine advertising improves advertising ROI:Multiple studies have demonstrated that allocating more money to magazines in the media mix improves marketing and advertising ROI across a broad range of product categories.
  • Readers trust and believe magazine advertising more than advertising in other media.
  • Magazine advertising is considered valuable content
  • Magazine provide just the right reach to the target verticals
  • Magazine influence Influential’s
  • Magazine advertising moves readers to action.


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