About Us

PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE ” Magazine is a very specialized and focused industrial magazine which presents a detailed personal and professional LIFE SKETCH / journey of the engineers executing excellence at their respective factories or plant working in the process industry verticals such as :-

Bulk Drug
Iron & Steel
Paper & Pulp
Food & Beverages
Specialty Chemicals
Paints & Coatings
Sugar & Distilleries
Oil & Gas
Edible oil
Power etc...

The course of life is different for each individual, and is influenced by the events and experiences that people go through throughout their lives, ” PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE ” Magazine brings out different individual or personal experiences of the engineers working in the process industry with the aim to share knowledge, experience and expertise among the engineers community.

Understanding the impact of transitions within a engineer’s course of life is important, as it aids the plant engineers in attaining a firm understanding of other engineer’s lives, so they can effectively intervene with appropriate measures. ” PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE ” Magazine gives an opportunity to other plant engineers and industry engineers to come close with the real life experiences of their community engineers and learn few things which may be useful to them during their critical times or situations.

It is said that “Ignorance is Bliss’. If that be the case, one may wonder why people seek knowledge. This is because ‘Knowledge is Power’. That is why everyone is in pursuit of knowledge. Acquiring / up gradation of knowledge is known as learning.

Learning is a continuous cyclic process. It starts from what one knows. It goes towards what one wants to know. ” PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE ” Magazine caters real life experiences of engineers working in the process industry to the other community engineers with the sole aim to disseminate right knowledge and experience to the plant engineers.

In the process of learning, one picks up from what others know and some times one learns from one’s own experience. Many times the success in life comes through learning new skills, knowledge, capabilities and attitudes. ” PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE ” Magazine brings engineers personal and professional experience and education which will definitely provide pragmatic tips to improve life at factory and home.

All along lifetime of mankind, education and continuous up- gradation of knowledge have been contributing to development of society. ” PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE ” Magazine reveals how individual engineers up-grade their knowledge to win in the cut throat competition.

PROCESS INDUSTRY CHRONICLE ” Magazine is a concise overview of the changes and normative patterns relating to the life-span of ENGINEERS EXECUTING EXCELLENCE AT FACTORIES OR PLANT

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